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Alfabet Deep Dive - Automated Workflows

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - New Features in Questionnaires

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Alfabet REST API

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Custom Diagram Enhancements

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Integration with MS Azure DevOps

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Multi-perspective Object Assessment

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Scalable Indicator Computation

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - AI-enabled Data Quality Analysis

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive – Analytics Dashboard

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Technopedia Integration

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - AlfaBot Conversational User Interface

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Integration with Apptio for IT Financial Management

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Integration with Microsoft Teams

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Cumulocity IoT - OEE App Deep Dive (CL234C17-79E)

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Creating PowerPoint® Publications with Alfabet

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Enhanced Diagramming in Alfabet 10.15 for Archimate-style Modelling

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Supporting Multi-lingual User Community with Automated Data Translation

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Data Sharing between Alfabet and ServiceNow

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Rich Text Content Creation in Alfabet

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - What’s New in Alfabet 10.15

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - What’s New in Alfabet 10.7

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Portfolio Analytics with Self-service Context Discovery

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet FastLane Deep Dive - Investment Portfolio and AI portfolio diagnostics

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Importing JIRA Issues into Alfabet for Portfolio Assessment

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Exporting Alfabet Portfolio Information into JIRA for Work Prioritization

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

Alfabet Deep Dive - Alfabet/Jira Integration - Enhancements in Release 10.3

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

ARIS 10.0 SR14 Enterprise Core

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)

ARIS 10.0 SR14 Web-based Administration

3. Continuous Learning
Self-Paced (FREE)