Cumulocity IoT Basic

This self-paced course provides an introduction to Cumulocity IoT. Cumulocity IoT is SoftwareAG's open, independent, carrier-grade IoT platform to connect and experience every “thing” instantly. Short videos followed by hands-on labs on your free trial Cumulocity IoT tenant provide fundamental knowledge how you can connect and manage your remote assets, use powerful analytics to derive insights and incorporate them into your business processes using the Cumulocity IoT platform.

The eLearning starts with a short introduction covering “What is IoT?” and how to use the platform. This introduction is followed by videos and hands-on labs to get familiar with the main features of Cumulocity IoT by making use of your smartphone. Once you have connected your smartphone, the order of the videos is more or less independent. It is recommended to follow the pre-configured order. The hands-on labs are step-by-step instructions enhanced by screenshots to support you in your first usage of the Cumulocity IoT trial version and minimize disruption.

This course also allows you to earn a badge and be a Software AG Certified Cumulocity IoT Associate. 

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Know how to use the key features of the Cumulocity IoT platform
  • Understand the key concept of the device integration with Cumulocity IoT and you have connected your smartphone to your Cumulocity IoT free trial tenant
  • Set up your asset hierarchy to represent your device from a business perspective
  • Create your analytics and monitor pages by adding and arranging widgets
  • Know how to create business rules to work on incoming data in real-time and to perform actions based on this data
  • Understand how to handle reports based on dashboards layouts and how to create reports for exporting data

Software Versions Covered

  • Cumulocity IoT 10.17 or higher

Intended Audience

  • Users interested in the Internet of Things
  • User interested in Cumulocity IoT

Skills Pre-requisites

  • Basic Computer, Internet and Smartphone handling skills

Content Topics

  • A high-level introduction to Cumulocity IoT
  • Device Registration
  • Managing assets
  • Visualize a device
  • Monitor a device

Delivery Method

  • Basic courses are delivered as Self-Paced course (pre-recorded Instructor presentations, product demonstrations, and hands-on exercises, as applicable)

Self-Paced Duration

  • Minimum of 300 minutes