EPL Apps provides an interface that allows you to develop EPL apps directly within Cumulocity IoT. This course covers how to write EPL apps which are multi-tenant aware and can be used with the multi-tenant variant of the Apama-ctrl microservice. It explores the API added to support such multi-tenant apps, its capabilities, and the limitations of the API.

 42 min   11/2023 

The Cumulocity IoT Analytics Builder is a powerful tool for domain experts to define analytics models in Cumulocity IoT. It comes with pre-build blocks to do complex analytics. In case this is not sufficient and you want to extend it with your own block. After an introduction to Analytics Builder and Apama, you learn how to build and deploy your own block with the Analytics Builder SDK.

Duration: 40 Minutes

This module covers how DataHub offloads the data from Cumulocity IoT to the DataLake, transforms data in SQL-queryable format and how you can use BI tools to query your data and gain insights. In this eLearning, we will have a short recap of the architecture and processing of DataHub. A number of demos show how to work with DataHub and how to use Analysis Tools (PowerBI, Jupyter Notebook) to combine insights from business systems with IoT data.

Duration: 70 Minutes

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The Cumulocity IoT platform allows power users and developers to run real-time IoT business logic inside Cumulocity IoT based on a high-level real-time processing language, which is APAMA Event Processing Language(EPL). EPL Apps provides an interface which allows you to develop so called EPL apps directly within Cumulocity IoT. The training introduces the basic of EPL and how to write your first EPL App. All sections are presented by a combination of explanations followed by demonstrations.

Duration: 90 Minutes

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In this Elective, Analytics Builder allows you to build analytic models in a graphical environment by combining pre-built blocks. This eLearning covers information on pre-built blocks available in the palette of the model editor.

Duration: 45 Minutes

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