Enrollment Options

Cumulocity IoT Microservices SDK (CL234C07-75E)

Microservices are server-side applications that are used to extend the Cumulocity IoT platform with customer-specific functionality and may offer their endpoints that can be used by Cumulocity IoT and Cumulocity IoT-based applications, e.g. for system integration purposes.

This eLearning starts with high level introduction to Cumulocity IoT Microservices concepts and basic technics to extend the platform and containerize custom back-end functionalities. The major part covers developing a Java-based microservice with Cumulocity Java SDK. The training concludes with a section on how to deploy your microservice. All sections are presented by a combination of explanations followed by demonstrations.

Duration: 60 Minutes

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Self-Paced Course Enrollment